Below, you can discover the results of our research into the rates of cancern misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis within the NHS.
All of these figures are recent and date back to 2019 to show a complete picture of growing trends.
If you’d like to learn more about claiming compensation for cancer misdiagnosis, please head here.
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Medical Negligence Assist sent a Freedom of Information Request to NHS Resolution to find out the number of cancer medical negligence claims involving misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis.
NHS Resolution is a body of the Department of Health and Social Care that assists the NHS in resolving concerns and disputes.
We asked for the number of claims lodged against each UK Trust as well as the amount of damages paid out. We also asked for the causes of each claim which included things like failure to follow up arrangements, failure to interpret x-ray results and failure to refer patients to a hospital.
Our investigation came as the NHS health Ombudsman warned that cancer patients could be put at risk.
Rob Behrens called for immediate government action after research into cancer complaints frequently pointed to misdiagnosis and treatment delays.
Our investigation finds that NHS Trusts are paying out millions in claims surrounding cancer treatment failure/delays and misdiagnosis.
We also revealed which NHS Trusts had the most claims lodged against them.
Thirdly, we uncovered details of claim causes and which ones result in the largest damages costs for the NHS.
NHS National Figures On Cancer Misdiagnosis and Delayed Diagnosis Claims
The NHS as a whole has forked out a staggering total of £128,435,964 on such claims in the past five years.
These include; ‘Failure to interpret X-Ray,’ Failure to Follow-up Arrangement,’ ‘Failure to act on abnormal test results,’ and ‘Wrong diagnosis.’
Since 2019, the number of these claims and incidents lodged against the health service has soared by 127%.
Between 2019/2020, a total of 348 claims and incidents pertaining to cancer-delayed diagnosis and misdiagnosis were brought against the NHS.
Since then, figures have been increasing year on year reaching a five-year record high between 2022/23 with a record 790 claims and incidents.
The NHS closed or settled 45% of these claims, amounting to a £128m damages pay-out in the last five years.
For claims pertaining to ‘Failure/Delay in Cancer Diagnosis’ alone, the NHS has paid £77.7million in the past five years.
But the figure could be substantially higher as complaints and claims lodged against the health service are categorised into subjects that often overlap.
For example, the NHS has paid out a further £6.5 million in claims that involved both delays in cancer diagnosis and delays in cancer treatment.
Another £4 million was paid out by the NHS for claims of failing to interpret cancer x-ray results which could have led to delays in cancer diagnosis.
Failing to act on abnormal test results possibly leading to cancer diagnosis delays also cost the health service at least £3 million in claim damages since 2019.
Rob Behrens, England’s Health ombudsman has stressed the imperative of safe and effective care within the NHS.
“Patient safety will always be at risk in environments that are understaffed and where staff are exhausted and under unsustainable pressure,” he said.
He called for “concerted and sustained action from the government” to ensure NHS leaders can focus on safeguarding patients.
The situation is further reflected in NHS England’s data which shows that only 74.2 per cent of patients urgently referred for suspected cancer in December 2023 received a diagnosis or had cancer ruled out within 28 days, failing to meet the 75 per cent target.
Head of Medical Negligence at MNA, Nick Banks said: “Whilst claiming against medical insurance agencies can seem daunting, such claims are the best way to ensure funding is made available for all of the patient’s short-term and longer-term needs.
“This can make a real difference to how quickly that patient is able to regain their former quality of life.
“Bringing such claims can also help the medical profession to identify important areas of improvement, hopefully ensuring that no future patients ever fall victim to the same mistakes.”
How Much Compensation Has Been Paid Out?
Figures for NHS Trusts with less than five claims lodged against them were grouped together. A total of 709 of these were closed or settled and amounted to an NHS damages pay-out of £87,426,652 in the past five years.
Results pertaining to the NHS Commissioning Board and Department of Health were omitted from analysis due to their aggregated identities.
A Breakdown Of Individual Trusts
Below, you can find breakdowns of the cancer misdiagnosis rates and delayed diagnosis rates for different Trusts.
University Hospitals Leicester NHS Foundation Trust
Leicester NHS Trust has paid out £3.5 million in cancer medical negligence claims in the last five years – more than any other UK trust.
The University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trusts has had 28 claims lodged against it since 2019 pertaining to cancer delayed diagnosis/misdiagnosis.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against Leicester NHS Trust.
A further 8 were lodged between 2020/21 and six more claims and incidents were recorded the following year.
Between 2022/23, figures reached a five-year high with a total of 9 claims and incidents logged for Leicester NHS Trust.
Of the 28 claims, 26 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £3,512,813.
That equates to an average payout of £135,108 per claim.
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Lincolnshire NHS Trust has paid out £2.7 million in cancer medical negligence claims in the last five years – the second highest of any other UK trust.
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust has had 25 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Ten claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2020/21 against Lincolnshire NHS Trust.
A further 9 were lodged between 2021/22 and six more claims and incidents were recorded the following year.
Of the 25 claims, 13 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £2,701,522.
That equates to an average payout of £207,809 per claim.
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
The North Midlands NHS Trust has paid out £2.3 million in cancer medical negligence claims in the last five years – the third highest of any other UK trust.
The University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust has had 29 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Nine claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against North Midlands Trust.
A further 6 were lodged between 2020/21 and 9 more claims and incidents were recorded the following year.
A total of five were recorded against the trust last year, 2022/23.
Of the 29 claims, 13 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £2,368,751.
That equates to an average claim payout of £182,212 per claim.
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Bradford NHS Trust has paid out £2 million in cancer medical negligence claims in the last five years.
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has had 10 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2020/21 against Bradford Trust.
A further five were lodged between 2022/23.
Of the 10 claims, 6 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £2,005,000.
That equates to an average claim payout of £334,167 per claim.
University of Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Birmingham NHS Trust has paid out £2 million in cancer medical negligence claims in the last five years.
University of Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust has had a whopping 39 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019 – the third highest amount of all UK trusts.
Thirteen claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2020/21 against Birmingham Trust.
A further 14 were lodged between 2021/22 as well as 12 more in 2022/23.
Of the 39 claims, 19 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,934,945.
That’s an average payout of £101,839 per claim.
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
Northern Care Alliance NHS Trust has paid out £2 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Northern Care Alliance (NCA) NHS Foundation Trust has had a whopping 38 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019 – the third highest amount of all UK trusts.
Eleven claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against NCA Trust.
A further 7 were lodged between 2020/21 as well as 8 more in 2021/22.
Between 2022/23, figures reached a five year high with 12 claims and incidents recorded for NCA.
Of the 38 claims, 22 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,926,317.
That’s an average pay-out of £87,560 per claim.
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
Derby and Burton NHS Trust has paid out £1.8 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust has had 19 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Six claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against Derby and Burton Trust.
A further eight were lodged between 2020/21 as well as five more in 2021/22.
Of the 19 claims, 12 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,853,257.
That’s an average pay-out of £154,438 per claim.
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust has paid out £2 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust has had 23 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Eight claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against Shrewsbury and Telford Trust.
A further nine were lodged between 2020/21 as well as six more in 2021/22.
Of the 23 claims, 5 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,611,815.
That’s an average pay-out of £322,363.
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
East Kent NHS Trust has paid out £1.5 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years, a new investigation reveals.
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust has settled 14 such claims since 2019.
It is among the top ten in the UK to pay out the highest amount for such claims, totaling £1,539,069.
That equates to £154,438 on average per claim.
Barts Health NHS Trust
Barts Health NHS Trust has paid out £1.5 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
The trust has had 17 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2020/21 against Barts Health Trust.
A further five were lodged between 2021/22.
Figures reached a five-year high in 2022/23 – with a total of seven more claims recorded for Barts Health.
Of the 17 claims, 11 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,532,095.
That’s an average pay-out of £139,281 per claim.
County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
Durham and Darlington NHS Trust has paid out £1.1 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust has had 23 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Seven claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against Durham and Darlington Trust.
A further seven were lodged between 2020/21 as well as seven more in 2022/23.
Of the 21 claims, 13 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,116,564.
That’s an average pay-out of £85,890 per claim.
The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust has paid out £1.1 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust has had a whopping 31 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Six claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against the Mid Yorkshire Trust.
A further 10 were lodged between 2020/21, followed by nine more claims in 2021/22.
In 2022/23, a total of six claims were also brought against the trust.
Of the 31 claims, 18 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,111,684.
That’s an average pay-out of £61,760 per claim.
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
Northampton NHS Trust has paid out £1.1 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust has had 10 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against the Northampton Trust.
A further five were lodged between 2022/23.
Of the 10 claims, 6 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,110,158.
That equates to average of £185,026 per claim.
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Hull NHS Trust has paid out more than £1 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years – with some of the highest number of claims lodged against it.
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has had a whopping 32 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against the Hull Trust.
A further nine were lodged between 2020/21 and six more in 2021/22.
Figures reached a five-year high in 2022/23, with a total of 12 claims and incidents recorded for the Hull trust.
Of the 32 claims, just 6 were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,096,051.
That’s an average pay-out of £182,675 per claim.
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Free London NHS Trust has paid out more than £1 million in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust has had 14 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Seven claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against the London Trust, Medical Negligence Assist (MNA) has found.
A further seven were lodged between 2022/23.
Of the 14 claims, all of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £1,0044,456.
That’s an average pay-out of £74,604 per claim.
Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
Mid and South Essex NHS Trust has paid out more than £800K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust has had a whopping 40 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Six claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against the Essex Trust.
A further eight were lodged between 2020/21, followed by a staggering 17 claims in 2021/22.
Last year, 2022/23 another 9 claims were recorded for the Essex trust.
Of the 40 claims, 19 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £887,422.
That’s an average pay-out of £46,706 per claim.
Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Trust has paid out more than £800K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Northern Lincolnshire & Google NHS Foundation Trust has had 15 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against the Trust.
A further 10 were lodged between 2022/23.
Of the 15 claims, 7 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £853,933.
That’s an average pay-out of £121,990 per claim.
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Manchester NHS Trust has paid out more than £700K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust has had a staggering 48 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019, more than any other UK trust.
Six claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against the Trust.
A further eight were lodged between 2020/21, followed by 19 more in 2021/22.
Last year, 2022/23 a total of 15 such claims were recorded for the Manchester Trust.
Of the 48 claims, 16 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £743,935.
That’s an average pay-out of £46,496 per claim.
Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Warrington and Halton NHS Trust has paid out more than £600K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has had 6 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
The six claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against the Trust.
Of the 6 claims, all of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £601,237.
That’s an average pay-out of £100,206 per claim.
South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
South Tees NHS Trust has paid out more than £500K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has had 24 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/2020 against the Trust.
A further five were lodged between 2020/21, followed by 14 more in 2022/23.
Of the 24 claims, 7 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £538,522.
That’s an average pay-out of £76,932 per claim.
York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
York and Scarborough NHS Trust has paid out more than £500K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has had 9 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
The nine claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2021/22 against the Trust.
Of the 9 claims, 5 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £529,861.
That’s an average pay-out of £105,972 per claim.
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Nottingham NHS Trust has paid out more than £450K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust has had 11 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2021/22 against the Trust.
A further six were lodged between 2022/23.
Of the 11 claims, 6 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £466,441.
That’s an average pay-out of £77,740 per claim.
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
King’s College NHS Trust has paid out more than £450K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has had 11 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against the Trust.
A further six were lodged between 2022/23.
Of the 11 claims, 5 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £464,902.
That’s an average pay-out of £92,980 per claim.
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
Worcestershire NHS Trust has paid out more than £400K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has had 25 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Seven claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against the Trust.
A further five were lodged between 2020/21, followed by another five in 2021/22.
Eight more claims were recorded for the Worcestershire Trust between 2022/23.
Of the 25 claims, 5 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £404,708.
That’s an average pay-out of £80,942 per claim.
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Norfolk & Norwich NHS Trust has paid out more than £350K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has had 5 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
The five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against the Trust.
Of the five claims, all of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £389,500.
That’s an average pay-out of £77,900 per claim.
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Barnsley NHS Trust has paid out more than £150K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has had 15 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Ten claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2021/22 against the Trust.
A further five were lodged between 2022/23.
Of the 15 claims, 5 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £166,000.
That’s an average pay-out of £33,200 per claim.
The Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
Leeds NHS Trust has paid out more than £100K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
The Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust has had 22 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against the Trust.
A further eight were lodged between 2020/21, followed by 9 more in 2021/22.
Of the 22 claims, 6 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £137,126.
That’s an average payout of £22,854 per claim.
South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Trust has paid out more than £100K in claims pertaining to cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis in the last five years.
South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust has had 26 such claims and incidents lodged against it since 2019.
Five claims and incidents were received by NHS Resolution between 2019/20 against the Trust.
A further six were lodged between 2020/21, followed by 8 more in 2021/22.
Seven more claims were recorded for the trust in 2022/23.
Of the 26 claims, 5 of them were closed or settled costing the trust a total of £112,000.
That’s an average payout of £22,400 per claim.