Gloucester Medical Negligence Solicitors – No Win No Fee Lawyers Claims Guide

Medical negligence Gloucester

Medical negligence Gloucester

If you’re looking for medical negligence solicitors in Gloucester it can be really difficult to know where to start.  It’s a really important decision because choosing the right medical negligence solicitors for you could have a big impact on your case.  Having the right solicitor on your side could mean a better chance of securing compensation.

Fortunately, you don’t have to use a personal injury solicitor based in the Gloucester area, which gives you a lot more choice.  Our panel of medical negligence solicitors can cover the Gloucester area, so could help you in your medical negligence case.

If you’d like to discuss a claim right away, call today on 0800 652 3807 and your case can be assessed on its merits.  If you’d rather find out more about choosing a medical negligence lawyer, please carry on reading our useful guide.

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How Do You Choose The Right Solicitor To Conduct Your Medical Negligence Claim?

When picking a medical negligence solicitor, you might simply ask a friend for a recommendation.  You might even read medical negligence solicitor reviews.  These are all good steps that you can take.   This guide will provide you with more information about what to look for when searching for a medical negligence solicitor.

It will also provide examples of when you may be able to make a claim for medical negligence. It is vital when thinking of pursuing a claim you are aware if you are eligible to do so and who may be liable.

In order to pursue a claim for any type of healthcare negligence it must be proven that the negligence which may have occurred has caused a direct injury, illness, worsening of a condition or harm. The act of negligence alone is not enough to start a medical negligence claim.

An important consideration when making a claim is that there is a personal injury claims time limit in the UK.  There is a 3 year time limit in which to begin a claim in most instances but there are exception to the rule. To find out which time limit your particular circumstances may fit into we suggest calling a medical negligence solicitor.

In the case of children, their parent can begin a claim before their 18th birthday or they have 3 years to claim from their 18th birthday.

Should You Use Negligence Solicitors In The Gloucester Area?

Even though you might think, “I need to use medical negligence solicitors near me”, that’s not actually the case.  As mentioned earlier in this guide, our panel of medical negligence solicitors can cover the Gloucester area.   This is because the location of any solicitor’s office is not really that relevant anymore. In the main, communication between you and a solicitor could be done by email and over the phone.  In addition, some documents might be sent via the postal system.

However, when you need to undergo a medical assessment, you probably won’t want to travel far.  This is why we have a panel of doctors and medical experts based across the UK, so you’re never too far away from one.  We’ll provide information about the medical experts in the Gloucester area later in this guide.

Client Testimonials Can Be Helpful

As with any product or service offering, you can find reviews of medical negligence solicitors which you might find really useful.  They can be a great starting point and help you whittle down the field.

You can find out whether their previous clients have been happy with their compensation amounts, received regular updates and, in general, how happy they were with the service offered.

Once you’ve read reviews though, we recommend you get a feel for the solicitor by calling them directly.   You may have to work with them for a while so, giving them a call could really help you decide if they’re the best medical negligence solicitor to help you with your case.

Examples Of Medical Negligence Cases Our Expert Panel Could Handle

In the next few sections, we’re going to cover examples of different types medical negligence which include dental and care home negligence. We’ll also provide details of the medical specialists in the Gloucester area that we may use.

Clients Could Have A Medical Assessment Close To The Gloucester Area

Here are a sample of the doctors and medical specialists we may use when you require a medical assessment in Gloucester and the surrounding area.

Louise Whyte
Gloucester Chiropractic Clinic,
31 St. Michaels Square,
Gloucester, GL1 1HX.

Mike Davies
Regus Gloucester,
North Warehouse Business Centre,
Gloucester Docks, GL1 2EP.

Christopher Hewer
Glevum Way,
Gloucester, GL4 4BL.

If you require a medical assessment, you could be sent to one of these or another of our  panel of specialists in the Gloucester area.

Claims For Negligence In A Nursing Home

When a loved one is placed into a nursing home, we have to put our faith in the professionals to look after them properly. Choosing to put anyone into a nursing home or a care home is a difficult decision but often one that has to be made as maybe we are unable to look after them properly anymore. Knowing that our loved ones could have been potentially harmed by the very people we have entrusted with their health can be devastating. In years there have been stories that have hit the headlines regarding neglect, abuse and medical negligence in care homes. Examples of possible care home negligence could include;

  • Late or irregular dispensing of prescribed medicines causing the patient to suffer.
  • Injuries caused to the patient during lifting and moving.
  • Pressure sores caused by lack of movement in a bed (bed sores), wheelchair or seat.

Surgical Injuries, Infections And Negligence

Under going any type of surgery may have its risked but that does not mean patients should be harmed unnecessarily or negligently due to poor standards.

Examples of surgical errors or mistakes could take the form of;

  • Internal organs are damaged during surgery.
  • When you contract an infection during surgery.
  • If items from surgery are left inside you.
  • When you suffer pain because of an anaesthetic mistake.

Our panel of expert medical negligence solicitors could help with claims for surgical errors using the number at the bottom of the guide you may receive the information you need.

Dental Negligence

Many are not aware that if you are harmed due negligence on the part of your dentist, dental nurse or hygienist that a possible claim could be made. It would have to be proven that some form of negligence has taken place may be a dental error or mistake of the part of the dental nurse and that such substandard treatment has caused harm.

Mistakes And Negligence During Childbirth

Child birth although undoubtedly very painful for the expectant mother is also meant to be a joyful time. In cases where the mother is not coping well or the unborn baby is becoming distressed can make the whole thing a stressful time. However what could be more agonising is when such issues are not being adhered to correctly and both the health of the expectant mother and the unborn child is in the balance. If you have suffered birth injuries or your child has been harmed during the delivery process our panel of medical negligence experts maybe able to assist.

Malpractice In Hospital Care

Hospital negligence can be a broad term that covers different aspects such as surgical errors, bed sores due to not being moved, MRSA due to unhygienic practices, misdiagnosis, negligence hospital treatment and so on so so forth. In the majority of cases hospital negligence is not deliberate and healthcare practitioner are there to help patients gets better.

Possible hospital negligence may include;

  • When a patient contracts an infection such as MRSA due to hygiene issues.
  • If a diagnosis is late or incorrect meaning the patient isn’t treated correctly causing the condition to worsen.
  • When an incorrect medicine is prescribed, or the wrong dosage is dispensed causing ill effects.
  • If the patient suffers a surgical injury due to negligence.
  • An amputation injury where the wrong body part was amputated or the amputation didn’t need to happen.

Cancer Misdiagnosis Or Late Diagnosis

Cancer patients often have an increased chance of survival if their condition is diagnosed early.  Any delay or incorrect diagnosis could mean the patient suffers more and, in some cases, the cancer may become untreatable.

If you believe you or a loved one have suffered because of a late diagnosis (whether by a general practice doctor or a cancer specialist), please call our team to discuss your case.

Negligent Care By A GP

GP’s have the difficult job of assessing a patient within 10 minutes providing a diagnosis, medication or a treatment plan or sending the patient for diagnostics testing or transferring the patient to see a specialists if needed. If mistakes are made at this point it can have a knock on effect and the patients’ health could suffer.

Examples of potential GP negligence may include;

  • Providing incorrect medication causing new problems or meaning the existing condition becomes worse.
  • Late diagnosis which causes delays in treatment causing the condition to worsen.
  • Misdiagnosis of a condition meaning the real problem isn’t treated and it becomes worse.

Rates And Statistics For Clinical Negligence In Gloucester

The following table shows data from the NHS which shows how many claims and how much compensation was paid by NHS trusts in 2017-2018.

Healthcare ProviderClaims in 2017/2018Number of Incidents 2017/2018CNST Damages Paid
Gloucestershire Care Services**£22,000
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust73*£19,344,365

Source: Trust and authority claims 2017-2018.

No Win No Fee Medical Malpractice Solicitors Covering Gloucester

A lot of people worry about the costs of making a medical negligence claim.  Especially when you consider the complexity of the evidence that is sometimes required.  This is why most personal injury solicitors offer a no win no fee service.

No win no fee means if your no win no fee solicitor does not secure you compensation you do not have to pay their fees. If they do win your case then you have to pay them a percentage of the compensation you are awarded.

The no win no fee agreement will explain what success fee will be paid from your compensation if the case is won.  It is limited to 25% by law but may be less.

Contact An Expert Today

Hopefully, even though you were looking for medical negligence solicitors in Gloucester, you understand that our panel of medical negligence solicitors can cover the Gloucester area.

Therefore, if you’d like to discuss your claim with us, you can call us free on 0800 652 3087 or fill in this online form and we’ll call you back.

Hospitals In Gloucester

For your information, here are list of hospitals that provide services in the Gloucester area (both NHS and private)

  • Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.
  • Cheltenham General Hospital.
  • Stroud Maternity Unit.
  • Dilke Memorial Hospital.
  • North Cotswolds Hospital.
  • Winfield Hospital (Private).
  • Nuffield Health (Private).

Helpful Advice

To help you further, we’ve provided some links to other useful guides and resources below:

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Inspection Report – a detailed look at the local NHS trust by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Care Homes Guide – Information from the NHS about care home services they provide and when to consider using them.

Personal Injury Claims Calculator – A useful tool which helps you to work out how much compensation can be awarded for certain injuries.

Birth Injuries Claims Guide – This guide provides information about birth injuries, to both mother and baby, which could lead to a compensation claim.

Misdiagnosis Compensation Claims – A guide which explains how a misdiagnosis can cause problems for a patient and what sort of compensation may be awarded.

If there is any more information you require, please contact our specially trained advisors using the number provided earlier.