Salford Medical Negligence Solicitors – No Win No Fee Lawyers Claims Guide

Medical negligence Salford

Medical negligence Salford

It is a sad to think that those you trust with your health sometimes get it wrong through negligence or error. Even a small mistake or simple form of negligence during medical care may have a large impact on a person’s overall current or future health. Whilst our panel of expert medical negligence solicitors are not based in Salford we can assist with any medical negligence claim nationwide, we could help you to make a successful personal injury claim and get the compensation that you deserve if you have a valid reason for claiming.

We believe that too many victims of medical negligence are left to suffer in silence, not even being aware that they could be compensated for the mistakes which caused them to be harmed through negligence. Our team specialise in helping people to navigate the potentially complicated process of getting compensation if a healthcare provider or practitioner has provided a sub standard service leading to injury or illness. If something has gone wrong in your healthcare or medical treatment you may be entitled to compensation for the harm caused to you.

You can talk to our team today to find out if a medical negligence solicitor could help you to claim compensation. In the article below you can learn more about how to find a solicitor specialising in these types of claim, how people could potentially be harmed by errors in the provision of healthcare services and how our No Win No Fee service works.

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A Guide To Choosing A Clinical Negligence Solicitor

There are several steps which you could take in order to find a medical negligence solicitor who has the right experience and expertise to handle your case. Firstly you could look to find solicitors who are able to conduct this type of case and who are experienced in doing so. Once you have done so, it is good to look at whether the solicitor, the firm or claims management company will be able to offer you a free assessment of your case without any obligation to make your claim through them. Next, you could look at whether they are able to offer their services to claimants through a no win no fee agreement (looked at in detail later in this guide) and thus removing any potential risks from you.

Finally, we do recommend that when you speak to the solicitors or their team to see if the company is good at communicating with claimants. You also should feel confident in working with this person or team. It may take several months to conduct your claim and you need to be confident that they are working on your claim and clearly sharing updates with you.

Does My Solicitor Need To Be Based Close To Me?

If you want to make a claim against a healthcare provider or professional based in Salford you may feel that you should also use medical negligence solicitors in Salford to conduct your claim. However, this does not need to be the case. As long as your solicitor can keep in regular contact with you and provide you with information on how your claim is progressing there is no need to use a local solicitor. For the most part, you will not need to meet the personal injury solicitor conducting your claim face-to-face. If your injuries do need to be assessed to provide additional evidence for the claim this can often be organised with a doctor closer to you.

What will have a bigger impact on the likely success of your claim will be the ability of the solicitor to conduct the case.

Should I Read Reviews Of Solicitors Handling Medical Negligence In Salford?

Before you make your final choice of party to conduct your claim it could be helpful to look at how other people have viewed their services through reviews and even to find objective third-party endorsements. You can check that a solicitor is registered with the Solicitors Regulation Authority for example. Other ways to get recommendations could include,

  • Testimonials, reviews and recommendations made by previous claimants.
  • Recommendations from family and friends.

Bear in mind that recommendations or testimonials may not paint a complete picture. By contacting our team we can better show you how we could support you through the claims process.

Your Injury Could Be Examined By Our Panel Of Doctors Covering Salford

Whilst the location of your solicitor will not have an impact on your claim you may not either want or be able to travel very far in order to have any medical assessments necessary. This is why we have built up a nationwide panel of doctors who can carry out such exams across the country.

Our nationwide panel of doctors includes several in this area, including those below.

Kirsty Hollinworth
Campanile Hotel,
55 Ordsall Lane,
Regent Road,
M5 4RS

Andrew Johnson
The Sorrel Group Practice,
Bolton Road Surgery
23 Bolton Road,
M6 7HL

Suzanne Fletcher
The Sorrel Group Practice
9 Victoria Road,
M6 8FZ

Your examination may be carried out by these experts and at these addresses. They may also be conducted at other local medical practices.

Clinical Negligence Cases That Could Be Handled By Medical Negligence Solicitors

From hospital negligence claims to instances of neglect in care homes our panel of medical negligence lawyers and solicitors are able to handle various different cases for medical negligence. If you choose to make your claim through our panel of expert medical negligence solicitors you will be able to rest assured that they will work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for your case and the highest settlement possible.

In the following sections, we look in a little detail at some of the ways people could possibly be harmed through poor quality care, medical errors or malpractice. If you cannot see your particular circumstances do not panic simply call Medical Negligence Assist and they will assess your claim for you.

What Is GP Negligence?

A GP negligence claim could be made in an instance where your GP has breached their duty of care to you as a patient. GP’s owe all patients a duty of care to provide the right possible care not to cause harm. You can find out more about this by viewing the recommended guidelines produced by NICE, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence. These guidelines also detail when and how patients should be referred for specialist care. Recommendations such as these are produced to ensure that patients receive the highest possible level of care.

What Is Hospital Negligence?

Hospital negligence claims could be made against either the NHS or a private healthcare provider who has breached their duty of care to you during your treatment or stay in a hospital and has either caused a new injury or illness or your present condition has worsened. Hospitals should be somewhere you go to have illness treated and injuries cared for. They should not be a place where you are injured or where you develop an illness. What is classed as medical negligence in a hospital could be varied and could involve anything from surgical errors causing injury to nursing staff leaving a patient to develop painful bedsores. If you have been harmed whilst under the care of a hospital our panel of medical negligence solicitors who can cover the Salford area could help you.

Errors And Neglect By A Surgeon

If you have suffered injuries due to the way in which a surgical procedure has been carried out or because of the treatment provided to you before or after your surgical procedure and you are wondering if you have suffered surgical negligence please keep reading as you question may be answered. If you feel that you were harmed by a surgical procedure (or related care) you could have grounds to make a personal injury claim. Negligent care could potentially happen in any part of your surgical journey. The negligence could possibly take place during necessary procedures or cosmetic surgery. It may happen during cardiac surgery or neurosurgery. The scenarios vary greatly.

It is also important that surgical patients are able to provide fully informed consent to any procedure. This means that as a patient you need to be made fully aware of any risks which could be involved in having your surgery.

Negligent Pregnancy Care And Birth Trauma

During pregnancy, labour and after the birth of a new child, parents have to place their trust in a variety of medical professionals. For the most part, this will include midwives and General Practice doctors as well as obstetricians and paediatricians They are trusted to ensure the health of both parties before, during and after the birth.

If you are not provided with the right care, such as a GP or specialist failing to diagnose a particular condition which leads to either mother or baby being injured or developing an illness, you may be able to seek damages such as negligent pregnancy compensation.

Neglect In A Nursing/Care Home

Neglect in care homes could have serious consequences for residents as well as their families. Neglect will generally refer to forms of substandard care which have consequently lead to an injury or illness. It could also relate to abuse and battery. This may be where the care/ nursing home is in breach of the duty of care that they owe to the resident or patient.

For someone to be able to claim compensation for neglect in a care home, it must be proven that the acre home or its employee have caused harm and/or illness through negligence, error, or omission This could be through not taking action such as preventing bedsores or the failure to make sure that someone is eating and drinking properly as well as taking any medication necessary.

Cancer Care Negligence

Each year around 300,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in the UK. If cancer is not diagnosed at the earliest possible opportunity and the right treatment plan is not put into action as soon as possible the illness could spread and it could mean that much more treatment may be required. It may also mean that the condition is incurable and has devastating effects for the patient and their family.

If you have suffered harm due to cancer care negligence, talk to an expert today.

Negligence In Dentistry

Dental negligence refers to negligence which has happened during dental care which could cause a patient harm, injury, illness, wrong tooth to be extracted or the misdiagnosis of a illness. Your dentist and dental practice owe you a duty of care to ensure your health. If during the course of your treatment they cause you an injury or if your particular condition is misdiagnosed they could be in breach of this duty of care. Instances of dental negligence could include the wrong tooth being removed or not treating gum disease. In more serious cases there could be damage to the jaw itself, nerve injuries, or the failure to diagnose oral cancer.

Clinical Negligence Information And Statistics For The Salford Area

In the most recently published account of the prevalence of medical negligence in the NHS, we can see how often negligence takes place in the UK. Statistics show that in 2017/ 2018 there were a total of 10,673 new claims made for clinical negligence. Over the same period, 16,338 claims were settled by the NHS either without proceedings, with proceedings, or for a small number (0.8% of claims) at a trial.

In the table below we have taken publically available data from NHS Resolution in order to clearly show how often claims have been made against NHS trusts in this area, how many incidents have been reported and the value of payments made to claimants. The data covers the financial year 2017 / 2018.

NHS TrustHow many claims were recieved in this periodHow many incidents reportedCNST Damages Paid
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust6379,217,493
Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (The)1652117,736,119
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust9*493,971

For further information on instances of NHS negligence across the country see this resource from NHS Resolution.

Medical Facilities And Hospitals In The Salford Area

Salford is a city and also metropolitan borough within the wider metropolitan county of Greater Manchester. This means that some medical services such as hospitals, clinics and healthcare authorities may be shared by the two boroughs (and two cities) as they share a similar geographical area.

Below we have included a list of some of the larger healthcare providers or facilities providing healthcare services in this part of the Greater Manchester area.

NHS Hospitals

  • Salford Royal Hospital – NHS.

Private healthcare services

  • Manchester Private Hospital.
  • Nuffield Health Manchester Clinic.
  • Priory Healthcare.
  • Oaklands Hospital.
  • North West CATS.

No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors Who Handle Claims In Salford

When you first contact a solicitor or lawyer specialising in medical negligence they will review what has happened to you and verify whether you can claim compensation or not. They will then take you through potential funding options which may be available to you. The majority of claims which are handled by our panel of medical negligence solicitors who can cover the Salford area are done so through a no win no fee agreement.

This is a common way to make a personal injury claim without having to worry about the cost of doing so. It means you could instruct a specialist medical negligence lawyer without having to worry about how you will pay for their services.

When you make an initial enquiry we will discuss different ways in which you can fund your claim and which way may be best for you. For many people the most affordable way to start a claim is by taking advantage of no win no fee services. If you are awarded a compensation settlement you will pay the solicitor a set percentage of this. The maximum percentage is limited in law. If you are not awarded a settlement then any legal fees to us are waived.

How To Claim For Medical Negligence

If you have been the victim of medical negligence remember you do not need to instruct medical negligence solicitors in Salford to conduct your claim, you simply need a personal injury solicitor who is experienced in handling this type of case and who could help you.

Our team are experts in helping to secure compensation for people in a variety of different circumstances. All you need to do to start the claims process is to get in touch with us. You can phone us on 0800 652 3087 or you can start your claim online by clicking above.

Further Information

Personal Injury Claims Time Limit
All cases are subject to personal injury claims time limits. Learn more about time limits applicable to your case in this guide.

How Much Could I Claim?
In this article we have included a personal injury claims calculator and look in more depth at what you could claim for a variety of different injuries.

Informed Consent
In order for you to to fully understand what treatment you will be provided with and what effect this may have upon you, you should have your treatment options and risks fully explained.