Urology Negligence And Gynaecology Negligence Claims

Gynaecology and urology are two separate but related areas of medicine. A medical negligence issue in one area can cause problems in the other. You may have suffered medical or clinical negligence which resulted in causing you unnecessary, avoidable additional injuries to the one you originally presented. To hold a valid urology and gynaecology negligence claim evidence must establish firstly the breached duty of care then how this negligence caused you to suffer more than you needed to.

Urology negligence and gynaecology negligence claims guide

Urology negligence and gynaecology negligence claims guide

We understand the sensitive nature of issues like this. When you speak to our friendly and sympathetic team about starting a compensation claim for urology and gynaecology negligence, it’s in total confidence. We can offer help to clarify your options as you move forward and explain the advantages of working with a medical negligence solicitor. With this in mind, you can start now by:

Select A Section

    1. What Are Gynaecology Negligence And Urology Negligence Claims
    2. What Is Gynaecology Negligence?
    3. Causes Of Negligent Gynaecological Care
    4. Types Of Gynaecology Negligence
    5. Urology And Gynaecology Patient Expectations
    6. What Is Urology Negligence?
    7. Types of Urology Negligence
    8. Time Limits For Medical Negligence Claims
    9. What Are Urology And Gynaecology Negligence Claims Worth?
    10. No Win No Fee Urology And Gynaecology Negligence Claims
    11. Get In Touch With Us
    12. Maternal Mortality Statistics
    13. Related Articles
    14. FAQs About Claims For Medical Negligence

What Are Gynaecology Negligence And Urology Negligence Claims

Urology negligence and gynaecology misdiagnoses can leave the sufferer with long term health issues. In the UK, all medical professionals whether they work for a private healthcare group or are part of the NHS must apply a duty of care when they treat each and every patient. The Care Quality Commission can monitor, inspect and regulate healthcare providers to ensure these standards are being met.

Urology and gynaecology negligence claims will have clear and substantial evidence showing how a practitioner has failed to deliver a service that is deemed to be within their professional standards. Through this negligence, you suffered harm that would not have been caused but for the treatment you received.

If you are unsure whether the treatment that was provided to you was substandard and could be considered medical negligence why not call our team today. They can assess any potential claim in a no-obligation chat.

What Is Gynaecology Negligence?

Gynaecology relates to the health of female reproductive organs. Patients may see a gynaecologist if they have disorders or conditions that affect the reproductive system. Gynaecologists also see patients for medical emergencies relating to their reproductive organs.

Medical errors in gynaecology can result in very serious consequences. It can be possible to suffer infection, infertility, birth injuries and long term problems. Obstetrics and pregnancy issues can vary widely. In another related area, a hysterectomy is a complex surgical procedure and certain mistakes can be life-threatening.

If a gynaecologist provides substandard healthcare, causing you to endure avoidable and unnecessary suffering, this could constitute gynaecology negligence.

Speak to our advisors today to see how a medical negligence solicitor can help you.

Causes Of Negligent Gynaecological Care

Urology and gynaecology negligence can happen for a number of reasons, some of which could include:

  • The medical staff failing to refer you for the appropriate blood tests, X-rays or scans despite clear symptoms.
  • Unreasonably misinterpreting the results of these tests.
  • A failure to promptly and correctly diagnose or treat an infection despite clear symptoms.
  • Delayed cancer diagnosis and other illnesses following a smear test despite results indicating further investigations are needed.
  • Retained surgical equipment after surgery (such as colposcopy, sterilisation and pelvic organ procedures) that causes the patient harm.
  • The incorrect insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive coil.
  • Any incontinence that is worsened by surgical negligence unless discussed as a risk
  • An infection caused by substandard professional aftercare that leads to infertility.
  • The avoidable and unnecessary performance of a total abdominal hysterectomy.
  • Damage to any of the other internal organs during a hysterectomy due to carelessness.
  • Failing to conduct an adequate physical examination and therefore misdiagnosing a patient’s symptoms, prolonging their suffering.
  • Not taking into proper account the patient’s allergies and prescribing them with medication that triggers a reaction.

Gynaecology negligence solicitors could offer you insights and an understanding as to whether you have a favourable claim.

Types Of Gynaecology Negligence

There are various types of gynaecology negligence.

Surgical Errors

We can expect some level of pain and necessary recovery time after surgery. However, if a surgeon is negligent, they could cause undue suffering. For example, leaving surgical equipment in a patient can cause them harm.

Diagnostic Errors

Practitioners are trained to spot and diagnose symptoms however if a medical professional is not entirely sure the patient should be referred to a specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis. But if they misdiagnose a patient’s illness because they ignored their symptoms, they could be seen as being negligent.

Failures To Diagnose Cancer

If the results of a smear test clearly indicated that the patient needed to go through further tests and this didn’t happen, it could lead to the patient suffering for longer if they had cervical cancer.

Mismanaging Trauma

Gynecologic trauma is where the genital area of a female is injured. If it isn’t attended to with the right standard of care, patients could suffer. For example, a negligently cleaned wound could become infected and lead to further pain.

Negligence Related To Illness

Providing patients with medication that isn’t appropriate for them is possible. You may react badly to medication for the first time after they’re prescribed to you by a healthcare professional. If the professional had no reason to believe you’d suffer, this wouldn’t necessarily be gynaecology negligence.

But, perhaps the healthcare professional didn’t check your medical records which clearly indicated a certain ingredient in medication could make you ill (such as triggering an allergic reaction). This could be medical negligence if it caused you avoidable further suffering.

For clarity, please get in touch to discuss your gynaecology medical negligence claim.

Urology And Gynaecology Patient Expectations

A hysterectomy is a major operation that can carry a lengthy recovery time. Less invasive alternatives may be suggested for certain conditions such as heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB). Removal of the ovaries is not always essential and to undergo this procedure without consent could provide the basis for a medical negligence case if it caused you to suffer.

In gynaecological and urology, patients can expect appropriate and considerate care. However, sometimes substandard care can lead to further pain and harm. The effects on female health and wellbeing, plus the psychological impacts of mistakes in this area can have devastating consequences for the victim.

If a gynaecologist or obstetrician negligently failed to suggest the appropriate tests, operated incorrectly or did not diagnose your illness in sufficient time, your injuries could worsen needlessly.

What Is Urology Negligence?

Urology relates to treating conditions of the female urinary tract and male genitourinary tract. Urologists have the same duty of care as other medical professionals. That is to provide the patient with a minimum standard of care at least. This could include:

Examples of urology negligence could include:

  • Unreasonable and avoidable surgical errors resulting in incontinence, impotence or nerve damage.
  • Failure to correctly perform a vasectomy due to subpar skill.
  • Missing a diagnosis for prostate, testicular or bladder cancer despite obvious symptoms.
  • Bladder perforations through poor surgery.
  • Inadequate post-surgical care resulting in infection.
  • Failure to treat kidney stones even though symptoms are clear.

It’s important to note that certain medical procedures carry a natural risk of side effects. Medical treatment that is delivered correctly yet still results in additional health issues may not be negligence.

You must be able to demonstrate how neglect directly resulted in you receiving injuries or them worsening. Discuss what happened with our advisors to see if you have valid grounds for a urology and gynaecology negligence claim.

Types of Urology Negligence

Rather similar to the ways that gynaecological negligence can occur, urology problems can happen. For example:

  • When doctors or specialists are tired or distracted they can make avoidable mistakes.
  • Staff may administer the incorrect medication because patients notes are not checked properly
  • Reading X-rays properly is a skill that we expect healthcare professionals to have, but they could overlook a visible issue if they’re acting negligently.

Any impaired function in the reproductive areas can drastically impact the quality of someone’s life.

An avoidable and needlessly problematic procedure can alter the course of a planned family. This can be severely distressing as well as physically injuring.

Healthcare professionals have a duty to provide the minimum standard of patient care. Providing anything above this is acceptable, but substandard care is not. If urology negligence causes you further or new suffering, you could claim.

Time Limits For Medical Negligence Claims

Claims time limits are generally as follows:

  • 3 years from the date of medical negligence;
  • 3 years from the date of first becoming aware that the injuries were caused or worsened by medical negligence.

The 3-year time limit for claimants under the age of 18 begins from the date of their 18th birthday. However, certain people could claim on their behalf before this. They would act as a ‘litigation friend’.

Those who lack the mental capacity to claim for themselves can also have a litigation friend claim on their behalf. There would be no time limit unless the claimant recovers mental capacity. If they do, they would have 3 years to claim from the date of recovery.

What Are Urology And Gynaecology Negligence Claims Worth?

Each urology and gynaecology negligence claim is calculated using evidence that you need to supply. The first amount that can be worked out is called general damages. General damages are compensation for the physical and mental harm you endure as a consequence of medical negligence.

Alongside medical evidence, the Judicial College Guidelines can be used to value injuries. We’ve used figures from these guidelines to create the compensation table below.

InjuryLevelRecommended JCG award amount
Psychiatric DamageSevere £51,460 to £108,620
PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)Moderately severe £21,730 to £56,180
Reproductive System: Male(c) (i) Serious cases of sterility in a male£132,040
Reproductive System: Female(a) Infertility in a claimant as a result of injury or disease£107,810 to £158,970
Reproductive System: Female(e) Failed sterilisation causing unwanted pregnancy with no serious psychological harmIn the region of
Reproductive System: Female(c) Infertility for a claimant who has children already£16,860 to £34,480
Bladder(c) Serious bladder impairment£60,050 to £75,010
Reproductive System: Male(e) Uncomplicated sterility without impotence issues, but the claimant would have liked to have more children£22,230 to £29,380

These amounts are based on what previous claimants were awarded for similar injuries. General damages are intended to acknowledge the impact of:

  • The pain and suffering the injuries have caused you.
  • Mental distress caused and worsened mental health problems such as depression, anxiety etc.
  • Increased risk of any long term health damage/loss of fertility.
  • Also, the impact on personal relationships. Gynaecological issues that impact child-bearing are acutely important in awards here.

In addition to general damages, you could seek to claim special damages. This term refers to the financial losses that your injuries may have presented you with. Therefore, any additional treatments, unpaid time off work for recovery, counselling costs and medical adaptations needed to help you cope with these newly acquired problems can be considered.

A good medical negligence solicitor can help advise you on how to track all these costs, both in the short and long term, enabling you to present a claim for compensation that properly acknowledges all the unwanted effects of these injuries. Because medical negligence claims can only be made once, it’s important to include everything.

No Win No Fee Urology And Gynaecology Negligence Claims

After reading this article, you may feel that you are ready to start a claim. We believe it’s sensible to connect with a professional to handle your case.

No Win No Fee agreements have many advantages. Lawyers working with you in this capacity only deduct their fee at the end of your case if it wins. If your case fails, they require no payment for their work. Furthermore, they ask no fee to take up your claim or while it progresses. That’s why it’s called No Win No Fee.

If the case does win, the success fee they take is a small percentage of the compensation. That way, you won’t have to pay a penny in solicitor fees until the compensation fee comes through. What’s more, this fee is capped. This means you can benefit from the bulk of the settlement amount if your case is successful.

Furthermore, to save you time and disappointment, lawyers are realistic about the chances of your case. If they feel your medical negligence claim is weak, they will tell you at the start.

In addition to this, lawyers scrutinise your claim, looking at every piece of appropriate evidence available to secure you the highest award amount. Perhaps you could even include other costs that you had not even considered.

Why not get in touch through any of the methods below to see if our medical negligence claims team can connect you with a No Win No Fee solicitor.

Get In Touch With Us

With all this in mind, No Win No Fee urology and gynaecology negligence claims could help you today. Why not call our friendly team to learn more?:

Maternal Mortality Statistics

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists produced a report covering pregnancy-related deaths in the UK between 2016 and 2018. Whilst maternal death is rare in the UK according to the report, some important actions have been identified which could help to prevent fatalities. They found that:

  • Black ethnic backgrounds resulted in maternal death rates near four times higher for women. Also, in Asian ethnic backgrounds, near two times higher for women compared to white women.
  • Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) numbers near doubled compared with previous 3 years. Most of those who died had evident risk factors.
  • Pregnancy in the UK is still very safe. During 2016-18, 2,235,159 women gave birth in the UK from which 547 died either during or a maximum of a year after the pregnancy from associated causes.

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Lastly, in conclusion, there are other resources that could help right now.

Other Misdiagnosis Claims

FAQs About Claims For Medical Negligence

Will making a claim affect my medical treatment?

You have a right to access the right standard of medical care. Trained staff should treat you with proper equipment in a suitable environment. If you have any concerns about the quality of the healthcare provider who treated you, please refer to the Care Quality Commission for help.

Does a solicitor need access to my medical records?

You should never share your medical records if you don’t want to. However, to get an accurate estimate of the compensation you could be owed, it would be important to share your health records with your solicitor.

Obtaining a full picture of how the treatment injured you is essential for building the damages in your claim. The trust that you build with your lawyer is important.

Could I act as a litigation friend to claim for someone else?

A claimant who cannot represent themselves, such as a child or person who lacks mental capacity, can have a litigation friend act on their behalf. This person can undertake all the duties of the case and act in their best interests.

What is the greater amount – general or special damages for urology and gynaecology negligence cases?

This largely depends on the extent of the injuries received and the compensation amount that is appropriate in your case.

Are cases for urology and gynaecology negligence settled out of court?

In many cases, yes. Communication at this point can be vital. So it’s important that you try to be realistic about your expectations and reach a settlement that is appropriate.

How long does a case like this take?

There is no hard and fast rule about time scales for personal injury or medical negligence cases.

Can you sue a midwife?

A healthcare professional has a legal duty to provide the right standard of care. As an employee of a hospital or private clinic, a midwife is no different.

There is a concept called ‘vicarious liability’ which means that a company can be held responsible for the actions of its staff. Midwives, gynaecologists, obstetricians and urologists that work for the NHS will generally be covered by vicarious liability

Thank you for reading our guide on gynaecology negligence.

Guide by Jeff

Edited by Ruth